Qualanda Mathis Qualanda Mathis

Kitchen Tools

Do you have the tools you need to make all the dishes you love? Having the right kitchen tools is just as important than the right ingredients. Below are my top kitchen tools is live by plus a few extras for getting fancy.

  • Non-Stick Pots and Pan

    • So if you are like me and need a full proof pan for cooking and cleaning, non-stick is the way to go. No matter how high I have the heat turned to it never sticks and allows for easy clean up. There is nothing worst than making a sauce or starch of some sort and it starts to stick on the bottom. Before you can change the pot the whole dish has a scorched taste. I am speaking from experience, get the Cravings by Chrissy Teigen 12pc Aluminum Cookware Set and cook on Medium heat. You can’t cook everything on high lol.

  • Silicone Utensils

    • Utensils are the all mighty in the kitchen but to put the icing on the cake is investing in silicone utensils to make most out of your cooking experience. So this is the analogy I will give you because I have a bias opinion but I think you will agree with me. When you go to Walmart they have what you need but you get in and get out. When you go to Target they also have what you need but the smoothness of their carts make the experience of shopping much more appealing than scraping the floor with a Walmart cart. (Just saying, I said what I said!) So what this means is when you have a beautiful non-stick coated pan and are scraping it with your metal spoon you ruins your pan and you don’t get the satisfying feeling of gliding your utensil across the bottom of your pan, swiping it clean.

  • Mixing Bowls

    • Stop using your cereal bowl for seasoning your chicken. A set of mixing bowls are great for tossing all your fresh ingredients together to fully coat or incorporate them. I like to also use them as a trash bowl when I am prepping my vegetables, putting all my vegetable tops and peels in one place before trashing or composting them. (Help save the planet y’all!)

  • Scale, Measure Cups and Spoons

  • Thermometer

  • Baking Trays and Racks

    • This is probably one of my top three tools in the kitchen. A non-stick coated pan is great for baking all your meals, cutting out the excess oil used in a sauté pan. Also the rack allows for 360 cooking, giving great caramelization to the entire protein. Sheet pans are great for bulk and time efficient cooking. My favorite night is when I can just season my food, put it the oven, and voila!

  • Cutting Board and Knifes

    • This is an investment piece. Having a nice utility Chef Knife is imperative to your prep and your ability to breeze though your mise en place. (Check Out the Mise en place Blog to learn more about what it means.) Color coded cutting boards are necessary for all home cooks to keep you and your family safe. This allows you the opportunity to have a separate place to cut chicken and vegetables separately. A common mistake that is made is using a beautiful wood cutting board for all your prep but when cut into a board it leaves small cuts into the surface of the board. When meats are being cut on the board the juices are being soaked into the cuts, creating bacteria growth that can be hard to washed away.

  • Appliances

    • This is for the busy multitasker, appliances like Instapot, Crockpot, and Robocop allows you to create a beautiful meal with minimum effort. I will be honest I have all of these but my trusty knife, cutting board , and non-stick pans have never failed me. I am a little old school in that sense but if you know how this is the way to go.

    • Small appliances such as garlic slicers, peelers, microplanes, and brushes are always handy to have. Making your task in the kitchen easier and more enjoyable.

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Qualanda Mathis Qualanda Mathis

“Mise en place”

Mise en place is a French culinary phrase which means "putting in place" or "everything in its place".

Have you ever been in the kitchen just looking at all the ingredients not knowing where to start? Yes, me too but for years I have been applying the phrase mise en place. First planning is the key to making dinner in 30 minutes rather than a hour. You are already on your way to great planning by becoming a Stay Ready Member, getting the recipes and a grocery list! (Good Job!) Step two is gathering all your ingredients needed for the recipe and preparing all the ingredients to cook. (Aka slicing and dicing)

Starting in a clean and declutter kitchen will improve your mindset about cooking and also allow for efficient flow. The hard part for me when I am in the kitchen is cleaning as I go. Cleaning as you go is something I have heard my mom say all my life but putting it into practice is another story. Though it is not my best attribute I still try to make sure my dishwasher is empty before I start cooking to ensure easy clean up. (#hack)

Set yourself up for success. When you are at the stove and your pan is hot there is not time for cutting up the vegetables or seasoning your meat. That all should to be done before the pan is hot, so you can focus and pour all your love and attention into your dish. Taking your dish to the next level is having the finishing touches. Garnishes such as topping your tacos with cilantro or scallions on your gumbo both add another layer of flavor.

Cooking is all in the details, your meal will never look like the picture if you don’t slow down and plan. Planning gives you a game plan to get from a grocery list to family dinner or date night at home. Cooking if you let it can be an experience of the senses. For example, I have gotten to the point now that I can sit on the couch while my rice is on the stove. I can hear the difference between a boil and a simmer when the water is almost evaporated. That kind of focus takes practice and experience but its possible. My favorite sound is when the pan is heated perfectly and you lay the protein in the pan to hear that beautiful sizzle. (That makes my heart smile!)

Remember, cooking is not about perfection or any place to shy away from. Yes, there are lots of tip and tricks to be more efficient but the key to a great meal is the love you put in it. Mistakes in the kitchen are bound to happen but those lead to new discovery and lessons. (If you have time look up the story of the potato chip.)

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Qualanda Mathis Qualanda Mathis


Proteins are usually known for their muscle building attributes and famous animal sources but I am here to tell you that there is more to protein. It not only helps fight off infections but helps divide cells to break down food. Animal source protein contains all 9 amino acids to create a protein but so does all soy products including ingredients such as edamame and tofu. Plant Based Proteins have high amounts of some and low amounts in other amino acids. In order to create a complete protein combinations such are rice and bean or hummus and pita are required.

it is impossible to over consume proteins because the body is equipped to break it down. Recommendations can vary based on your daily activity, you should consult with your doctor or trainer for exact grams to consume daily. The dishes from Stay Ready Meals are all high protein, moderate carbs and low fat to amplify the muscle built in the gym. A high protein eating lifestyle will lean out your body by repairing the muscles that are broken down in a strength training workout.

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Qualanda Mathis Qualanda Mathis

Good Fats vs Bad Fats

My love for avocados lead me to question, can there be to much of a good thing? Let’s talk Fats!

There are four types fats but the two general fats are Saturated Fats and Unsaturated Fats. Saturated fats are normally solid at room temperature with a high melting point. These fats are sources from pork, fatty beef, whole milk, eggs, coconut oil, butter, and cheese. Unsaturated Fats are a more complicated including Trans Fats, Monounsaturated Fats, and Polyunsaturated Fats.

Trans Fat like saturated fat is solid at room temperature and has a high melting point. Trans fat consist of natural fats from some dairy, beef, and lamb; it also consist of artificial fats such as hydrogenate oil that has been chemically altered for a longer shelf life. Artificial trans fat should be avoided for many health reason and are sourced from junk food.

Monounsaturated Fats consist of Olive Oil, Canola Oil, Peanut Oil, Avocado, Nuts and Seeds. These oils are all considered good fats that are meant to be consumed in moderation. “Apparently you can have too much of a good thing.“

Polyunsaturated Fats are liquid at room temperature and solid when chilled. Polyunsaturated fats consist of the omega numbers 3, 6, 7, 9. Three and six are the essential omegas because our bodies can not make them. Omega 6 should be kept to a minimum due to the sources including processed vegetables oil, salad dressing, fried foods, and grain feed beef. Omega 6 has inflammatory effects when consumed at high levels but Omega 3 have the opposite reaction giving anti inflammatory effects. Omega 3 are sourced from flaxseeds, salmon, tuna , and walnuts.

To recap Saturated Fats should be kept to a minimum, Artificial Trans Fats our “Bad” Fats should be eliminated from our diet, Monounsaturated Fats are our “Good” Fats that should be enjoyed but in moderation, and polyunsaturated fats believe it you need a balance of three Omega 6 fats to six Omega 3 Fats. Following these guidelines should lead to leaner meal options for a healthier lifestyle.

Stay Ready Meals provides low fat dishes, focusing on high protein and moderate carbohydrates. We only use Monounsaturated fats and Omega 3 ingredients to ensure the fats that are consumed are good for you and your goals. We stay ready so you don’t have to get ready, SHOP Stay Ready Meals!

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Qualanda Mathis Qualanda Mathis


Carbohydrates aka Carbs get a bad name but they are not all created equal. There are three different types of carbs that can be considered healthy or unhealthy, good or bad, and slow or fast. These are classified as Simple, Complex, and Fibrous but for simplicity we will focus in the first two. Before you learn about what 2 types we should eat or avoid, I want to tell you about the molecules to get a better understanding. Monosaccharides consist of one molecule such as Fructose from fruit and whole foods. Disaccharides consist of two monosaccharides such as Sucrose from table sugar. Polysaccharides consist of more than 3 monosaccharides together from food like whole grain pasta.

Now that you understand the molecules inside carbs lets talk about the types. Simple Carbohydrates are made up of Monosaccharides and Disaccharides that are typically easily absorbed into the bloodstream from foods such candy and other high sugar sources. They also include foods that digest lower such as fruits and whole foods. Vitamins, minerals, and fiber from fruits and whole foods help slow down the digestion into the bloodstream, keeping your fuller longer.

Complex Carbohydrates consist of polysaccharides that can come from whole wheat and whole vegetables, also from processed foods such as cookies, white bread, and chips. Whole wheat and vegetables digestion rate is slower than simple carbs because of the many monosaccharides that have to be broken down. Most processed food are striped from their nutrients and simplified similar to a simple carbs, resulting in a faster digestion rate.

Digestion Rates help define the healthy or unhealthy, good or bad, and slow or fast carbohydrates. Both Simple and Complex Carbs are healthy for you but they are not all created equal. By now you understand they both have their flaws of high sugar and processed options but the alternative is whole fruit, vegetables, and whole grains for slower digestion. Choosing these “good” carbs will keep you fuller longer, resulting in lower blood level spikes and boost your metabolism.

Stay Ready Meals consist of a high protein, moderate carb and low fat lifestyle. Most diets will tell you low carb diets are the best for losing fat and building muscle, which is true but here is what they really should say. You should eliminate fast digesting carbs and focus on carbohydrates that will give you energy and increase your metabolism. Good carbs such as whole wheat, whole fruits, and vegetables are a great source of carbs that are included in all Stay Ready Meals, we stay ready so you do have to!

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