
Carbohydrates aka Carbs get a bad name but they are not all created equal. There are three different types of carbs that can be considered healthy or unhealthy, good or bad, and slow or fast. These are classified as Simple, Complex, and Fibrous but for simplicity we will focus in the first two. Before you learn about what 2 types we should eat or avoid, I want to tell you about the molecules to get a better understanding. Monosaccharides consist of one molecule such as Fructose from fruit and whole foods. Disaccharides consist of two monosaccharides such as Sucrose from table sugar. Polysaccharides consist of more than 3 monosaccharides together from food like whole grain pasta.

Now that you understand the molecules inside carbs lets talk about the types. Simple Carbohydrates are made up of Monosaccharides and Disaccharides that are typically easily absorbed into the bloodstream from foods such candy and other high sugar sources. They also include foods that digest lower such as fruits and whole foods. Vitamins, minerals, and fiber from fruits and whole foods help slow down the digestion into the bloodstream, keeping your fuller longer.

Complex Carbohydrates consist of polysaccharides that can come from whole wheat and whole vegetables, also from processed foods such as cookies, white bread, and chips. Whole wheat and vegetables digestion rate is slower than simple carbs because of the many monosaccharides that have to be broken down. Most processed food are striped from their nutrients and simplified similar to a simple carbs, resulting in a faster digestion rate.

Digestion Rates help define the healthy or unhealthy, good or bad, and slow or fast carbohydrates. Both Simple and Complex Carbs are healthy for you but they are not all created equal. By now you understand they both have their flaws of high sugar and processed options but the alternative is whole fruit, vegetables, and whole grains for slower digestion. Choosing these “good” carbs will keep you fuller longer, resulting in lower blood level spikes and boost your metabolism.

Stay Ready Meals consist of a high protein, moderate carb and low fat lifestyle. Most diets will tell you low carb diets are the best for losing fat and building muscle, which is true but here is what they really should say. You should eliminate fast digesting carbs and focus on carbohydrates that will give you energy and increase your metabolism. Good carbs such as whole wheat, whole fruits, and vegetables are a great source of carbs that are included in all Stay Ready Meals, we stay ready so you do have to!


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