Stay Ready Meals

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Proteins are usually known for their muscle building attributes and famous animal sources but I am here to tell you that there is more to protein. It not only helps fight off infections but helps divide cells to break down food. Animal source protein contains all 9 amino acids to create a protein but so does all soy products including ingredients such as edamame and tofu. Plant Based Proteins have high amounts of some and low amounts in other amino acids. In order to create a complete protein combinations such are rice and bean or hummus and pita are required.

it is impossible to over consume proteins because the body is equipped to break it down. Recommendations can vary based on your daily activity, you should consult with your doctor or trainer for exact grams to consume daily. The dishes from Stay Ready Meals are all high protein, moderate carbs and low fat to amplify the muscle built in the gym. A high protein eating lifestyle will lean out your body by repairing the muscles that are broken down in a strength training workout.