Stay Ready Meals

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“Mise en place”

Mise en place is a French culinary phrase which means "putting in place" or "everything in its place".

Have you ever been in the kitchen just looking at all the ingredients not knowing where to start? Yes, me too but for years I have been applying the phrase mise en place. First planning is the key to making dinner in 30 minutes rather than a hour. You are already on your way to great planning by becoming a Stay Ready Member, getting the recipes and a grocery list! (Good Job!) Step two is gathering all your ingredients needed for the recipe and preparing all the ingredients to cook. (Aka slicing and dicing)

Starting in a clean and declutter kitchen will improve your mindset about cooking and also allow for efficient flow. The hard part for me when I am in the kitchen is cleaning as I go. Cleaning as you go is something I have heard my mom say all my life but putting it into practice is another story. Though it is not my best attribute I still try to make sure my dishwasher is empty before I start cooking to ensure easy clean up. (#hack)

Set yourself up for success. When you are at the stove and your pan is hot there is not time for cutting up the vegetables or seasoning your meat. That all should to be done before the pan is hot, so you can focus and pour all your love and attention into your dish. Taking your dish to the next level is having the finishing touches. Garnishes such as topping your tacos with cilantro or scallions on your gumbo both add another layer of flavor.

Cooking is all in the details, your meal will never look like the picture if you don’t slow down and plan. Planning gives you a game plan to get from a grocery list to family dinner or date night at home. Cooking if you let it can be an experience of the senses. For example, I have gotten to the point now that I can sit on the couch while my rice is on the stove. I can hear the difference between a boil and a simmer when the water is almost evaporated. That kind of focus takes practice and experience but its possible. My favorite sound is when the pan is heated perfectly and you lay the protein in the pan to hear that beautiful sizzle. (That makes my heart smile!)

Remember, cooking is not about perfection or any place to shy away from. Yes, there are lots of tip and tricks to be more efficient but the key to a great meal is the love you put in it. Mistakes in the kitchen are bound to happen but those lead to new discovery and lessons. (If you have time look up the story of the potato chip.)